professional background
Pat retired from a 35 year career primarily focused in accounting and financial reporting; later transitioning into human resources to manage her employer's global retirement plans. Pat’s interactions with the company’s employees at the local plants opened her eyes to the prevalence of “dis-ease”in this community, and how helpless they felt to do anything about it.
Her passion to help people live their best life, coupled with her insatiable curiosity about what makes people “tick” led her to her “next chapter” as a health coach. The process of studying and preparing for the National Board exam for Health and Wellness coaches helped to take her coaching skills to the next level.
Her passion to help people live their best life, coupled with her insatiable curiosity about what makes people “tick” led her to her “next chapter” as a health coach. The process of studying and preparing for the National Board exam for Health and Wellness coaches helped to take her coaching skills to the next level.
Patricia Anderson LLC Coaching & Training
Pat is grateful and honored to be a Founding Member of Virtual Health Coaches. Pat founded Patricia Anderson LLC Coaching & Training in 2016 as a venue to provide wellness education broadly, in addition to individual coaching for clients looking for wellness and higher levels of performance in their lives.
Pat truly believes that thriving in life is not a privilege - it is a birthright. She believes that everyone who desires to improve their health and to truly love their life can do so—and coaching may be the most direct route to achieving that. What is most rewarding to Pat is seeing her clients not only progress toward their goals, but seeing them grow in their own power and confidence to make lasting changes in their habits and choices.
Pat’s own health journey led her to discover and embrace the power of functional and integrative medicine. This knowledge, combined with her on-going research into human motivation helps Pat to meet clients wherever they are, and to be an effective guide for clients to discover their unique path to wellness.
Pat sees her introverted personality as one of her greatest strengths as a coach, stating, “Deep listening - ensuring that my clients know they are heard - is the most important thing I can do as a coach.”
Pat truly believes that thriving in life is not a privilege - it is a birthright. She believes that everyone who desires to improve their health and to truly love their life can do so—and coaching may be the most direct route to achieving that. What is most rewarding to Pat is seeing her clients not only progress toward their goals, but seeing them grow in their own power and confidence to make lasting changes in their habits and choices.
Pat’s own health journey led her to discover and embrace the power of functional and integrative medicine. This knowledge, combined with her on-going research into human motivation helps Pat to meet clients wherever they are, and to be an effective guide for clients to discover their unique path to wellness.
Pat sees her introverted personality as one of her greatest strengths as a coach, stating, “Deep listening - ensuring that my clients know they are heard - is the most important thing I can do as a coach.”
On a Personal Note
Relationships that thrive must be cultivated. Pat does this in her own life by relaxing and spending time with friends and family, and delights in hanging out with her granddaughter. She is passionate about learning about all things wellness related, and enjoys hearing all sides in conversations on deep or controversial topics. You can often find Pat out enjoying quiet time in nature on a good long hike.
Two favorite quotes are near and dear to her heart, and loves sharing them widely:
"Common sense is not always common practice" — Stephen Covey
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure…... We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? …. as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same…..” — Marianne Williamson, A Return to Love
Most of all, Pat knows that building healthy habits is key in her own life. She finds that closely monitoring how her actions and choices make her feel helps her to stay on her own path to higher levels of wellness,and doing this has now become second nature. Finally, Pat believes that it’s important to not take ourselves too seriously and to find humor even (especially) in stressful times.
Visit Pat's LinkedIn page for more information.
Two favorite quotes are near and dear to her heart, and loves sharing them widely:
"Common sense is not always common practice" — Stephen Covey
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure…... We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? …. as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same…..” — Marianne Williamson, A Return to Love
Most of all, Pat knows that building healthy habits is key in her own life. She finds that closely monitoring how her actions and choices make her feel helps her to stay on her own path to higher levels of wellness,and doing this has now become second nature. Finally, Pat believes that it’s important to not take ourselves too seriously and to find humor even (especially) in stressful times.
Visit Pat's LinkedIn page for more information.