Are you getting flooded with advertising about products and how they can improve your immune system? True, immunity is now more essential to our day-to-day lives than it has ever been before, especially after the past few years. We keep looking for ways to strengthen our body's immune system and maintain our health, especially during the cold and flu season. Luckily there are a number of simple adjustments that you can make to "uplevel" our immune function. Ready? Grab a pen and paper, take notes and start today. Here are five things you can do every day, starting today, to boost your immunity. Daily meditation, yoga and mindfulness
Meditation and yoga are proven to be extremely beneficial to enhance immunity. This is due, in part, to the fact that engaging in these activities results in lower levels of stress. Mindfulness, on the other hand, has been shown to boost mood and can change your entire attitude to one that is more upbeat and hopeful. (What's not to love?) Meditation, mindfulness and yoga can help lower inflammation and contribute to the regulation of the immune system. Yoga is a form of exercise that not only helps relieve tension but also stretches the body and improves flexibility. It affects the function of the immune system and promotes lymphatic drainage, both of which contribute to the removal of waste from the body. The combination of mindfulness, yoga and mediation have made a tremendous difference in my own life for both my physical and my mental wellbeing. If none of these suggestions are currently part of your daily routine I suggest you start small. Maybe a five minute meditation before you have your first cup of coffee? Water, please We all know that water keeps your organs functioning properly and the immune system as a whole is no exception. Water keeps your blood flowing, and the blood contains all the immune cells that help fight off infections and potential threats to the body. In addition to this, it assists in detoxifying the body by removing any toxins and pathogens. Staying hydrated is therefore one of the most effective methods for warding off the flu or lung infections. Why? Because drinking enough water will help thin the mucus in your throat, which in turn helps to stop any bacteria or viruses from entering your lungs. If you have trouble staying hydrated you might want to consider setting a reminder on your phone or find a fun water bottle to carry with you wherever you go. Take Probiotics There is a close connection between your gut health and your immune system. It is absolutely necessary for proper immune function to have a healthy gut. Yogurt, kimchi, and kefir are great examples of foods that naturally contain probiotics, which are healthy bacterial cultures. You can also buy probiotic supplements. They help to restore the healthy bacteria in your gut, which acts as a line of protection against invading pathogens. The gut lining is very thin, only one layer of cells thick. Sometimes that lining gets damaged and when that happens we call it "leaky gut syndrome". It is very important to focus on gut health and strengthen this very thin layer by populating it with healthy microflora, which acts as a physical barrier against invading bacteria and viruses. Relax The immune system can be severely compromised by stress in an extremely short period of time. When your levels of the stress hormone cortisol increase your immune system will be suppressed. When you are under a lot of pressure, you might have difficulties falling or staying asleep, which further compromises our immune system. Make it a priority to give yourself some "me time," preferably at the end of each day or else at least on the weekends. Give yourself permission to unwind and chill out. I am making selfcare a priority this year. I am using #selfcare2023 in many of my posts. If you are on social media you might want to join the movement? After all, we can't give what we don't have and taking care of your physical health will, of course, also help your mental health and therefore strengthen our immune system. Make time to talk to your loved ones and family members, invest in activities that bring you joy, and put yourself first. Self-care is NOT selfish. Foods that boost your immune system Food is the source of all of the essential vitamins and minerals that our bodies need to remain healthy. Many foods boost the immune system through various mechanisms, such as having antimicrobial properties or fighting off free radicals. Because of its inherent antibacterial properties, fresh garlic has become a popular home remedy for treating the flu as well as the common cold. Antioxidants are extremely prevalent in fruits and vegetables, and they defend the body against disease-causing free radicals. This, in turn, reduces inflammation and assists in the regulation of the immune system. Spinach, lemon, red bell peppers, and ginger are other examples of foods that strengthen the immune system. I hope you found these tips helpful. If you have any questions, need help implementing new habits or would like to talk about anything else related to your health and wellness journey, feel free to book a complimentary coaching session or join my free Vibrant Health Power Community on Facebook. Don’t forget: #selfcare2023
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