Written by: Claudia Haller NBC-HWC
Cravings are something we all experience. While a desire for your favorite Thai restaurant doesn't always have a deeper meaning, your cravings are often trying to communicate something more to you. Sometimes cravings can be your body's way of telling you what you’re lacking. Deciphering these clues will give much insight into what's going on inside of you and how you can fix it.
Written by: Claudia Haller NBC-HWC
Have you ever paid attention to how you feel after you eat certain foods? What you eat can have a significant impact on your mood. Personally, I’ve noticed that foods dense in carbs send me into what I call a “carb coma”. They give me energy immediately, but I quickly crash and always end up feeling drained. I remember one time after eating a big New York-style bagel, I almost fell asleep driving back home to New Jersey; I had to pull over.
Written by: Claudia Haller NBC-HWC
Eating out is something we all do from time to time. It could be an occasional dinner with friends, a lunch break during work hours, or grabbing a quick bite while running errands. While trying out new restaurants and cuisines is enjoyable, it can be challenging or confusing to make wise and healthy choices when dining out.
Written by: Claudia Haller, NBC-HWC Did you know that some fats are actually good for us? For years, dietitians have steered Americans away from fats and towards carbohydrates. After studies in the 1950s showed that diets with increased levels of saturated fats were more likely to cause heart disease, saturated fats got a bad name and they took down all types of fat with them. People continued to avoid all fats after learning that they were more calorie-dense than carbohydrates. However, more recent and reliable research suggests that unsaturated fats lead to a healthier and more sustainable life.
Whether you travel often for business or pleasure -- or just enjoy the infrequent vacation away -- knowing what to pack ahead of time always helps your trip go smoothly. There are a few non-negotiable items that always make it on the packing list, and some are great to bring along if you have the extra room. In order to prioritize your health while traveling, make sure that the following items are non-negotiables on your packing list. Here's a list of some healthy items you can carry to ensure you keep up your healthy habits while you're away from home.
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